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My parts list/tender specifications
Cover plate with labelling field UAE/IAE (ISDN) 1 gang aluminium silver - Platform 63
Product is not offered in Germany.
Data Sheet:
As cover for universal data connection boxes. Art.-No. 0213 (Cat 3/ISDN), 0216-101, 0218/11-101 (Cat 5e/6 data technology) and comparable types of the company Rutenbeck. For WLAN access points 8186/31 and 8186/41. Brand-Rex (WAEGV 8 EKR/EK). BTR ( universal data connecting unit design and IAE design). Telegärtner (AMJ 45, UMJ 45). With down-leading outlet. With labelling field. Size of labelling field: 60 x 9 mm.