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My parts list/tender specifications
Control Element Two-part button with LED Orientation light
Product is not offered in Germany.
Data Sheet:
Tapping control element, 2gang For 2gang rocker 6230-2x-xxx, 6231-2x-xxx, 6232-2x-xxx, 6233-2x-xxx and 6234-2x-xxx. (Not included in the delivery). For saving and calling up 2 scenes via the right rocker. For relay insert flex, 1gang, 64811 U. For series relay insert flex, 2gang, 64821 U. For e-contact insert flex, 1gang, 64814 U. For LED touch dimmer insert flex, 1gang, 64851 U. For extension insert flex, 64891 U. For blind insert flex, 1gang, 64831 U.