My parts list/tender specifications

Presence Detector Universal DALI 1 Bluetooth 12 m 1380 W DALI studio white matt

Data Sheet:

Master presence detector with mixed light measurement. For regulating and switching of DALI operating devices that depend on brightness and movement. For DALI broadcast operation (central telegram). Supplies the required voltage for additional DALI operating units and controllers. Suitable for up to 45 DALI operating devices. For changing the colour temperature of >tunable white< lamps, which meet DALI Standard IEC 62386-209 (Device Type 8). Colour temperature can then be set between 2,700 K - 6,500 K. With additional switching output for the activation of heating, air conditioning and ventilation or for switching additional loads (e.g. panel light). Configuration possible up to the complete deactivation of the DALI operating devices. With Bluetooth interface for parameterization and operation. Adjustment of all setting options via smartphone or tablet. Light control via smartphone or tablet app. Detection range (for installation height of 3 m): circular Seated persons: up to Ø 10 m, walking persons: up to Ø 12 m. Extension of the detection range by means of master/slave combination. Visible height 23 mm. For semi-automatic, comfort and fully automatic operation. Additional activation/deactivation possibility through pushbutton input. With continuous light/continuous off function (8 hours), activation via intelligent extension unit input possible. With time-controlled basic illumination function. With selectable warm-up function for fluorescent lamps. With 2-step automatic switch-off (according to EnEV / EN 15232). With time-controlled night anti-glare function. With selectable presence simulation in case of non-presence. With integrated storage of ON period (energy monitor).