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Busch-Watchdog 180 flex Cover plate Movement sensor studio white - Platform 63
Movement detector sensor with measurement of ambient light. For automatic switching of devices dependent on motion and brightness. Push switch function possible at all times. For detection down to the floor. For detection in stairwells. With 4 detection levels. In combination with dimmer insert flex: dimming function of lighting and selectable light value storage. With enabling of pre-warning of switch-off for stairwell operation. Compatible with all free@home flex inserts. Adjusting elements on rear side. Multi-lens: suitable also for mounting heights of 2.20 m. Extension of the detection range by means of master/slave combination. With continuous light/continuous Off function. With brightness-independent test mode for evaluating the detection zone. With detection display in test mode. Surveillance density: 54 sectors with 224 switching segments. Switch-off delay: approx. 10 sec - 30 min or short-time pulse 1 sec adjustable. For relay insert flex, 1gang, 64811 U. For e-contact insert flex, 1gang, 64814 U. For series relay insert flex, 2gang, 64821 U. For LED touch dimmer insert flex, 1gang, 64851 U. For extension insert flex, 64891 U. Mounting height: 31 mm.